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January Prayer Requests

Happy New Year from Sunrise Christian School! We have seen real blessings from the Lord in 2016 and so have a lot to give thanks for. We also long for God to bless us in 2017. Would you commit to praying for us?

Give thanks for:
new pupils – We began 2016 with 5 full-time and 5 part-time pupils. We now have 19 full-time and 7 part-time pupils!
new teachers – In 2016 all our pupils were in one classroom. Now there are two classes and Mrs Stewart and Mrs Campbell share teaching responsibilities with Mr McCollum.
increased financial support – We began 2016 on an uneven footing and struggled financially. In 2017 the Board has been able to take good decisions because of increased regular income.
new fundraising – We are thankful to all the organisers of Shine 2016. This was a huge benefit to our school and we look forward to where it will go in 2017.
the same education – despite all our changes we are thankful that our Reformed education is continuing to make a difference in the lives of our pupils. They have learned Bible verses, Psalms, catechism answers, and most importantly a Biblical worldview of each subject.

Please pray for:
a new building – We hope that 2017 might be the year that we move towards having our own building. Maybe God will lay it on people’s hearts to help provide for that. A new building would allow us to have more pupils!
new hearts – We want all our pupils to live their lives to the glory of God. In order to do that God needs to give them a new heart, if he has not done so already. We should be thankful for those that already have faith.
renewed obedience – Christian education needs to be a priority for 21st Century Scotland. Please pray that all our teachers will be able to do their jobs well, for the glory of God.

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